Friday, December 31, 2010

Morning Meditation of 1/1/11

My meditation this morning focuses on the many blessings I have received throughout 2010. It has been a great year, as far as I'm concerned. Not that it wasn't wrought with some pain and sorrow. Yet, it ended on a high note. Several, actually. On New Years Eve I found myself driving around an unfamiliar area of Fort Worth. I was looking for a new place to live in order to start fresh, have a yard for Phynn, and be closer to school and church. I never thought I'd talk about ME in Church again. It's a bit foreign, and strange. lol I was given a set of Archangel Michael oracle cards. I've been worrying myself sick about whether or not we can afford to move, to live in a place that will cost us more than we are already paying, etc... I was told over and over again, and in no uncertain terms to stop worrying. That a place had already been chose, and "the situation has already been resolved." I thought, "Whatever that means!" I've left it at that. I'm going with blind faith that I will be lead to the right place, the right time, the right cost, everything will be....Right! LOL As I was driving around looking for a new place, getting frustrated, I realized something. I had yet to pray and ask Mother/Father/God and the angels to lead me to the place that has already been chosen for me. I turned off of a street, and onto another and remarked aloud that I needed to live on this street called Wonder. What a wonderful name for a I feel as though my life is finding wonder in every aspect again. All the wonder had left me for so long, I'd lost my sense of it. It's like in the new Alice in Wonderlad, the Hatter tells Alice that she's lost her "Muchness." I think that's what I call Wonder. I've lost my Muchness, my wonder. So, living on a street called Wonder would be a daily reminder to keep hold of my muchness, and always live in my Wonder! So, as I pull onto Wonder Street, I pray, "Mother/Father/God, holy angels, I can't believe I've not asked you this yet, but would you please help me find the place that has already....." at this point, I look up and there are 2 rent houses, one across from the other, that appear to be perfect for us! AND, they are on Wonder Street and Wonder Drive! I can't wait to call for the information, and I pray that though we have some financial worries, we will find a great landlord, in a great neighborhood, with great neighbors, and that I will always keep my sense of Wonder and Muchness!

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