Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Caprica College - The Place of Dreams

Today was a great day for me. I'm completely exhausted, terrified, apprehensive, but excited and thrilled! I'm finally a College Student once again! Unfortunately I'm having to take a computer class that I've already had at another school, but the credit didn't transfer. That's okay, because that class was in teh 90's, and I'm positive programs have changed a wee bit. LOL I'm also taking an art class, and among the choices of art classes was a film appreciation class. I'm rather looking forward to that one. However, the instructor is at NE campus, and it says there is a lab. I'm hoping that lab is simply watching certain films, and that I don't have to end up going to NE campus all that often...AT ALL. My secret is: After looking at the cost of books for the computer class, I'm strongly thinking about getting out of that, and taking a sociology class that I'm sure I need for my degree anyway. We'll see what happens.

Tonight was a 5 hour marathon of the last 5 episodes of Caprica. They had canceled the show last fall, which thoroughly ticked off multitudes of people. However, in true SyFy style, although they had massive public outcry (like the did with Firefly!), they still canceled. Anyway, they stopped showing the remaining episodes that they had already filmed and had in post production! The only people who were supposed to be able to see it were Canadians and anyone who bought Caprica on DVD. Bastards! LOL Syfy grew a damn brain, and showed the remaining 5 episodes tonight. I didn't know anything about it until yesterday, and I watch SyFy all the time. Their marketing department SUCKS! They can't produce great shows like Firefly and Caprica because they don't advertise them....so no one watches them until it's too late. However, a stupid ass movie about a piranah and octopus have a love child, and it tries to destroy the world is marketed to death! Typical morons. Next, they will market a movie about pot smoking Yeti's from outerspace...oh wait....they already have!

Anyway, I got to see the end of my show, and get signed up for classes! YAY! Go me! LOL Ask and ye shall receive! LOL

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