Monday, January 3, 2011

Morning meditation 1/4/2011

It is still very strange writing or typing 2011. I'm sometimes reminded that we are coming closer and closer to December 21,2012, then I laugh. It's not that I discount the hypothesis, I believe that there is a possibility that 12/21/12 will be an "apocalyptic" day. However, I don't trust the notion. There is a fundamental difference there. Do we really expect that the Mayans had nothing better to do than make a calendar that goes on and on to eternity? I don't think so. They had to stop sometime! That said, if something Does happen on that day, I will not be surprised! LOL

As for me, I am looking to the future. I'm trying to live in the here and now, and be present. However, it's the future I'm looking too. I found out tonight that Tarrant County College is offering the education classes at south campus now. I've been very frustrated with TCC for years, because any programs worth taking were all at campuses that were clear on the other side of the county. Tarrant county is a BIG county! Now, they are offering just what I need at the nearest campus to me (once I get moved!). Only a certain number of credits transfer to university, and I'm almost at that number. I can probably go another semester or two at TCC, but hey, it's cheaper than university! My next big decision: What university do I transfer too?!
I'm looking at all the Universities in the DFW area. I want to stick to the ones in Fort Worth, maybe Arlington. That leaves me with Texas Christian University, Texas Wesleyan, and University of Texas at Arlington. TCU and TWU are great schools, but they are private and the tuition and fees totals approx. $31,000/year. UTA's tuition and fees come out to about $8,000/year. I'd LOVE to go to TCU, to be honest. However, I'm sure it's going to be UTA. LOL Maybe they will have a park and ride to UTA from Fort Worth?! LOL Yeah right! The bright spot to having to drive into Arlington 2-3 times a week for classes? I can go eat at Cafe Pulido's for lunch!! hahahaha

Let me think of my Spiritual lesson of the day.....oh yes! Brenda and I were talking earlier about blind faith, and how we were taught that blind faith is only applicable when you are speaking about spiritual matters. My argument was that spiritual matters shouldn't be a matter of it's own. Every matter is a spiritual matter, because Mother/Father/God is in everything, is everywhere, just simply IS. Therefore, no matter what the matter, it IS a spiritual matter. Hence, blind faith applies to all aspects of life. I'm not saying that anyone should walk about with their heads in the clouds, and never look to life. I'm not saying that at all. I'm just saying, that sometimes blind faith applies when you are being bossy, demanding, or when you just have the "But I want it NOWS!" Father/Mother/God will give you what you need, when you need it, and how. What you want, when you want it, and how you want it matters very little. For me, this is where blind faith comes in. I *generally* don't sweat things much anymore. Example: I want a house with a yard. I go on blind faith that Mother/Father/God has already chosen just the right place for us to be in the moment. I KNOW that it is provided, and it's only a matter of timing of when it will presented to me. Does that mean that I don't go out and drive around, write down addresses and phone numbers of rent houses? No, absolutely not! It means that when I find the right one, Father/Mother/God will let me know. I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't one on Wonder Dr, or Wonder Ct! LOL

I need to go to bed now, because I'm supposed to get up in the morning and go to TCC to try to get registered for classes. On one hand I'm excited!! On the other, I don't wanna get up!! Oh well, such is life.

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